The Safety Aspect of Bypass Technology
The Safety Aspect of Bypass Technology
If the year 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that no matter what is thrown our way, there is still work that has to be done. When certain businesses were closing down, others were only picking up momentum as it became apparent what services were deemed essential. The act of providing natural gas to a structure is essential work but one that has come with a new set of challenges during the pandemic because of the need to go inside people’s homes. It’s up the natural gas industry to keep people safe but we also have to continue to do the job of providing safe natural gas. While reducing the liability of having to enter the home was previously a benefit of bypass technology, today it’s a necessity. Bypass technology isn’t about solving the challenges our industry faces today relative to other energy sources. It’s about solving the challenges of tomorrow so our industry has a brighter future.
True to its name, bypass technology at a gas meter set means having the ability to perform maintenance and service of any kind without interrupting gas flow for the consumer. This translates to no loss of pilot lights, no scheduling and rescheduling appointments, and the gas supply is always ready and regulated to the correct pressure. In turn, this also leads to the following added benefits:
- Environmental Health and Safety:
- Eliminates the need to enter a customer premises
- Meets COVID-19 social distancing requirements for customer service technicians
- Increased safety of utility employees
- No employee injuries while climbing in attics or under homes
- No employee injuries or sprains while moving furniture or appliances
- No threats of dog bites inside of homes
- Increased safety of customers
- No worry of latch key/underage children home alone
- No worry of high crime areas
- No threat of violence or illegal activities inside the premise
- Eliminates the need to enter a customer premises
- Increased Customer Satisfaction:
- No need to schedule meter changes
- No more missed appointments due to leak calls or FTE absence
- No more customer not home (CGI’s)
- No more claims for damaged floors, ceilings, appliances
- No more tracked soil inside of homes
- Operational Efficiencies:
- Requires zero entry in premises
- Helps avoid possible pandemic related interruptions
- Reduced employee absences due to injuries inside of home
- Less trips – dry runs – missed appointments
- Less burden of customer scheduling
- Less homeowner claims – reduced liability
- No damaged appliances & replacement
- No damaged floors (from moving stoves, etc.)
- No damaged ceilings (from working in attacks)
- No suggested theft from premise
- No suggested inappropriate contact or gestures
While COVID-19 has impacted our personal lives, it has also affected jobs and the way in which they are performed – but, with bypass technology, it doesn’t necessarily have to. As gas companies try to continue to provide safe and affordable natural gas to its customers, A.Y. McDonald wants to be part of the solution. Since 2006, our company has been creating bypass products with self-contained bypass meter bars, angle bypass ball valves, and inline bypass ball valves. In recent years, we’ve made it even easier to bring bypass technology to the job site by offering the Portable Bypass Kit and the Regulating Hose Kit. For more information on A.Y. McDonald’s natural gas product offering and how they create additional safety to servicing a gas meter, please call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-292-2737 or fill out a ‘Contact us’ form on